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A graduate of the university of Dodoma has said that his education is beneficial in economic and technological activities.

A graduate at the University of Dodoma

 A graduate of the university of Dodoma who studied science has said that his studies are a pillar in raising his economy and the country as a whole . A graduate and expert in technology and science for many years, during his studies has been a comfort to the society around him , the maturity to study for many years has given him the strength to fight worldly challenges.

" I have studied for many years in computer and science studies , the goal is to build society in the fields of life " he said .

The number of positions he got in the college during his studies raised his knowledge from one place to another and later succeeded in gaining competence in those science subjects.

"Time is wealth and a part of human life , every time has its period and it's activities, so I use the opportunity of my time to build what I was blessed with by God " he said .

The student's philosophy is to creat a solid foundation in his development and the world in general. The young man's courage has been like a mirror for many students in Dodoma college.

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