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Our party is prepared to take the leadership position in the next election

leadership position in the next election

 The vice chairman of ACT Patriots in Zanzibar , Ismail Jussa has said that they ,as a party with parmanent registration have been able to build themselves institutionally and thus are ready to take over the power of the country , Zanzibar and mainland Tanzania by electing their retired party leader Zitto Kabwe as the president of the United Republic of Tanzania.

Jussa said this yesterday at the national celebrations of the tenth anniversary of ACT held in Kigoma region where he noted that Zitto has a great chance to lead the party and take the leadership of the country .

" We know you want Zitto to be your member of parliament here in the city in the next election , but we as a party want him to take us to the position of president of Tanzania due to the ability and position he has and we ask you to give your blessings to achieve that " Jussa said .

On his part, retired party leader Zitto Kabwe has said " I am ready and intellectually and psychologically prepared to be the president of the United Republic of Tanzania and whenever you need me  I am ready , regarding parliament there is no problem Mr Nondo and other young people will take that position of parliament, at any time we are ready to bring about changes in our country"

Zitto Kabwe apart from that has said that ten years for the establishment of the party is enough to make it a big party in the country and of the people , so the plan for the next ten years is a strategy to ensure that the party holds the power .

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