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How a 75-year-old woman managed to fulfill the needs of her grandchildren while at school

An old mother living with her grandchildren

 A 75 - year - old woman who lives with her two grandsons has explained how she managed to send her grandchildren to school until University education , through her life she was a farmer and veteran sheep breeder of many years . Despite staying with her grandchildren for a while without going to school while the parents of the two children were suffered from the problem of extreme poverty throughout their lives , so they could not send the children to school.

The old woman who is her grandsons whom she loved very much fought against her abilities so that at least her grandchildren could get an education that will help them improve their lives , despite the woman being a veteran but she used her knowledge to ensure that all her grandchildren go to get a good education in school far away .

"I felt sorry for my beloved grandchildren and I donated in every way so that my beloved grandchildren could get an education , despite their parents leaving them without any care and position, I had to take all my steps and knowledge to ensure that my grandchildren get an education", She said .

In our women's group responsible for developing the economy one by one , it was able to help me with 98% of my grandchildren's school spending .

" I fought in every way , however the women's group (ISA) could not fulfill all my responsibility , sometimes I was borrowing from the bank , and the bank believed in me because I had land and a house as collateral if failed to pay ", she explained gently .

" In life , education has dominated to a great extent , so fighting to find education is a fundamental thing in today's world, so my decision to send children to school is an important thing that reflects a good and comforting tomorrow", she added.

Goals in the heart fulfill promises eloquently! I was very troubled after seeing my grandchildren not going to school and their parents were disappointed because of poverty that they could not send them to a good school or college , after hearing these words touched my heart and decided to fight like their grandmother so that they could get an education for their future life .

Thank you ! One of my grandchildren who was united State at Georgia University where he has been able to get business and marketing education and has been able to raise capital from $2000 to $10000 for just two months , the capital was given to him as a gift after he passed well in business studies and marketing.

"I started with difficulty sending my grandchildren to school after they were left by their parents badly , but I believed that scarcity and scarcity fill a lot , but today at least I have started to see the good fruits that one of my grandchildren has in his education", she said happily .

I remember my grandchildren when they were suffering to take care of the sheep without any expectation of education. It hurt me a lot ! I am thankful that one of my grandchildren has graduated , but my other grandson has one year left to complete his computer science education.

Grandchildren in school
She continued to say that children are the nation of tomorrow , so caring for them and providing them with educational services is the best step in promoting the lives of individuals and the nation as a whole .

She concluded by saying that communities or institutions are changing people's lives in large numbers , so I am very grateful to the group of mothers (ISA) which has greatly enabled me in my activities of my beloved grandchildren, but I also express my sincere gratitude to NMB bank which has also helped me the amount of money , that was also able to contribute to the success of my grandchildren.

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