The retired prime minister of Tanzania , Edward Lowassa passed away at eight o'clock this afternoon

Lowassa passed away this afternoon

 The retired prime minister of Tanzania, Edward Lowassa died at eight o'clock in the afternoon today February 10 ,2024 at the Jakaya Kikwete Heart institute in Dar  es Saalam while he was being treated for bowel obstruction, lung problems and high blood pressure.

Vice president, Dr .Philip Mpango has announced the news of Lowassa's death today on behalf of President Dr .Samia Suluhu Hassan.

Mpango said " The president of Tanzania Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan, with great sadness has announced the death of the retired prime minister, Mr Edward Lowassa who died today February 10 ,2024 at eight o'clock in the afternoon when he was being treated for bowel disease , lung problems and high blood pressure"

Hayati Lowassa has been ill for a long time and has been receiving treatment since January 24, 2022 , later he was sent for further treatment in South Africa and returned to Tanzania , President Samia has expressed his condolences to the family , brothers, relatives , friends and all Tanzanian for this great tragedy of our nation .

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