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Is there any great optimistic of AI about the future?

Expressions of AI benefits

 The emerging technology in the universe has more contradiction as well as great optimistic about the future , everything is changing in the current world.

The way how AI is sharpening people's lives , this indicate that through AI we have more ways that we can expect to happen about the future , first is how we can control AI and second is how great output of AI can be used .

We often say that AI is sharpening our economy, yes it is true ! But is there any bad effect that can emerge about the future? This I always call as a great question , because it has a lot of answers when I try to think about the universe .

As we know that those who utilize AI well will be as a great rulers of the world because this product , it has amazing effect that can contribute to the great revolution of the world.

How do you think about the people with high economic level ? These people will have more ways to advance AI to the next level.

We love artificial intelligence (AI) the ways is sharpening individuals' lives , since it has a more extensive window to individuals with low degree of economy .

The probability of AI and its productions is expected to be large as well as it's function, that why we have more choices that we can adopt against industrial AI and the best practice that we can apply to make AI as  beneficial to humans and animals around the world.

Few decade ago , we had various speculations that was set by various researchers and specialists really it was about the accomplishment of AI and it's starting point , the hypothetical words that was proposed by scientists that is what now we see by naked eyes and we have just utilized 1% of AI products out of vast majority of the products , this is as per the likelihood hypothesis of science.

If we can analyze the probabilistic algorithms of AI , it would be first - order multiple probability , with this truth we can have wider results and each output would produce multiple results up to the infinity . That means the science of AI has unlimited products that we should expect to utilize to our lives .

Actually , AI is improving our health facility, agriculture, education and so much more . If we know the ways of utilizing AI , it is also possible to control AI by developing technical method that we can secure AI against attackers . Therefore through introducing various technical ways against AI , it could be a good solution in protecting the right of humans , maintaining safe world and the ways we can interact with other living organisms including micro-organisms, plant and animals around the world.


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