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Tanzania has expanded markets for citizens in Rukwa region

President Samia speech in Rukwa

 The president of the United Republic of Tanzania has increased the availability of markets in Rukwa region, that will help citizens increase the value and certainty of access to money for their crops . President Samia said , these markets will strengthen the economy of the people in Rukwa region .

The markets have been developed mainly to target farmers who produce normal crops and those who produce crops in abundance in Rukwa region including the neighbouring countries like DRC , Zambia and Burundi , where these markets will help officially open the 107 km long asphalt road of Sumbawanga ___ Matai to Kasanga on lake Tanganyika.

But also , president Samia insisted on increasing the availability of subsidized fertilizers for all farmers  which will increase the efficiency and production of many crops in the country . President Samia has aimed to raise farmers , workers , education and health services for citizens .

Speaking to more than 1.5 million citizens in Rukwa region , he said " The good steps to open roads , ports in lake Tanganyika and the improvement of agricultural infrastructure , health and education __We will continue to increase economic opportunities for the people of this region and neighboring regions "

In his speech in Rukwa region , President Samia added and started the official construction of health centers and science school for girls , where his goal is to raise the low life of poor people in Rukwa region and Tanzanians in general .

"We are building these special schools for our daughters , future scientists of our country in 26 regions of mainland Tanzania and each one will be able to accommodate 1000 students . My call to our daughters in every corner of our country is to use these opportunities to build themselves for their lives and our country in the future ", President Samia.

Special room for science girls students

He went on to say that the launch of the Nkasi district hospital in Rukwa region , will help increase treatment for more than 400,000 citizens where it will increase the health efficiency of infants suffering from outbreaks of diseases caused by the weather condition as well as changes in the climate behavior in the world.

In addition to improving the health of the people , President Samia handed over new warehouses that will help to store grain and opened a new season for the purchase of grain for this financial year .

He concluded by saying that the change in the climate behavior is a problem that is currently affecting the world , through improving health centers , agricultural infrastructure ,roads and the environment in general , it will help us protect ourselves from diseases where it will be a foundation in taking care of the nation's workforce especially newborns , because these are the workforce of the nation of tomorrow.

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