AliExpress WW

Meaning of education

 Education is light 

And it is light to see above 

Education is not just reading 

But it is creative to read and translate things 

Understand and see the future 

Professional of course

Education is science to discuss and clarify fact ,

It's forms are philosophy of truth and action

If you get classroom education and fail to bring about the right results of that education, 

That's not education but it is education to show your way ,

How do you do it ? What is the design? and the extension?

If you see the book translates into good education and easy , there is a living education,

If you see the book translates into complex education and information there is a professional education .

This fact is the same as the meaning of the word to creat,

Natural education, it is a much better education than a reading one ,

Meaning it has a lot of benefits

It has a lot to produce,

But it needs someone who understands and recognizes themselves,

To be able to save this education

Meaning it shines like the diamond of the earth,

Has long ideas to amazing the world

The truth is to understand first before developing .

Purpose of education

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