The vice president of the United Republic of Tanzania arrives in Switzerland

The vice president arrives in Switzerland

 The vice president of the United Republic of Tanzania , the honorable Dr . Philip Isdor Mpango , today 15 January 2024 has arrived in Switzerland where he expects to represent the president of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan at the meeting of the World Economic Forum that will be held on 16 to 19 January 2024 in the city of Davos .

In the meeting ,the vice president will attend various meetings related to economic and investment issues , good governance ,food security , climate changes and agriculture .In addition ,the honorable vice president will hold bilateral talks with the leaders of various international countries and organizations with the aim of developing and strengthening relations between Tanzania and those countries.

The meeting of the World Economic Forum is attended by heads of state and government from various countries , executives of international organizations , heads of institutions and various companies in the world as well as businessmen .

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